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Source Medium Integration

Connecting KnoCommerce and Source Medium

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Premium Integration available on Pro Plans and above

The KnoCommerce – Source Medium integration automatically syncs your survey data from KnoCommerce into the Source Medium platform​. By enabling the integration, you can unify your survey insights with other marketing, sales, and customer data in Source Medium, creating a single source of truth for analysis​. Key benefits include richer marketing attribution insights (by incorporating what customers say about how they found you), eliminating manual data exports, and unlocking deeper understanding of customer behavior.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

Ready to get started already? Head to your integration page and click on Source Medium.

Enabling the Source Medium integration

  1. To integrate, navigate to our Integrations page and find the Source Medium Integration. Click Connect.

  2. On the next page, click Enable Integration to start sending your data to Source Medium.

KnoCommerce will automatically send your data to Source Medium, where you can incorporate into your suite of reports and analysis.

Be sure to notify Source Medium: Source Medium is a managed service, and their team will ensure your data is properly ingested once the integration is live. It’s recommended to let your Source Medium account manager or support contact know that you have enabled the KnoCommerce integration. Once notified, they'll take care of the rest!

How the Data is Processed

Once connected, Source Medium pulls in each survey response from KnoCommerce in real time or on a regular sync.

The integration captures all relevant fields from the survey so that the data can be merged with your store’s datasets. The specific fields ingested for every response include:

  • Customer/Shop Identifier – Information to identify the customer or shop (ensures the response is tied to the correct account or user).

  • Question – The text of the survey question that was asked (e.g. “How did you hear about us?”).

  • Response – The answer provided by the customer for that question (e.g. “Instagram ad”).

  • Order ID – The unique ID of the order associated with the survey response (linking the feedback to a specific purchase).

  • Survey ID – The identifier of the survey campaign or form that the question belongs to.

  • Response ID – A unique ID for the individual survey submission/response record.

  • Attribution Type – The category of the question in terms of attribution (for example, whether it’s a “discover channel” question used for marketing attribution, versus other question types).

  • Submitted At (Timestamp) – The date and time when the customer submitted the survey response.

These fields ensure each survey entry comes with all the context needed to join it with your existing data in Source Medium (identifying the who, what, and when of each response)​. After pulling the raw data, Source Medium’s pipeline formats and cleans it before storing it in your analytics warehouse. The platform normalizes the data, validates it, and checks for completeness – for example, reconciling any disparities or missing values in those survey fields​. This automated cleaning step ensures that your survey data is trustworthy and ready for analysis alongside other sources.


Does the integration filter out questions?

No. Kno will send all your survey responses into Source Medium. However, in Source Medium’s default attribution modeling, only the attribution-related survey questions are utilized by default.

This means that if you have a question like “Where did you first hear about our brand?”, those responses will feed into the standard marketing attribution reports, whereas other survey questions (for example, product satisfaction or NPS surveys) are not automatically included in attribution calculations.

Is my response data joined with order or product data?

Yes. Every survey response is linked to the corresponding order (via the Order ID) and even down to the order line item level. This means if an order had multiple products, the customer’s survey response will be associated with each of those products in the data model.

By joining responses at the SKU or product-line level, Source Medium enables product-specific analysis of your Kno survey results. For example, you could determine the top customer-reported discovery channels for each product line – seeing if Product A is frequently discovered via TikTok, while Product B is often discovered via Google Search.

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