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Account Settings Page

What's here and what does it do?

Updated over a year ago

To access your account settings page, log in to KnoCommerce and go to your Account page. It will look something similar to this.

  • Account Name - The best practice is to use the brand name that you are best known by, but sometimes Shopify stores default to the Shopify store URL ( If those are different, the best practice is to include both URL and Brand name in this field.

  • Account ID: This is the unique UUID for your account. Necessary for setting up Custom Integrations, but otherwise can be ignored.

  • Default Currency: Changing default currency will change the currency labels (no exchange rates are calculated for anything) that is used within the Reports page on charts and reports.

  • Account Timezone: When set, this will coerce the data on the Reports page and the offset used in the CSV exports to be viewed within the specified timezone (regardless of the location of the user who is accessing the account).

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