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Shopify Tagging Integration

How to create the tagging integration and set up your specific questions to push tags into your Shopify platform for orders and customers

Landon Anspach avatar
Written by Landon Anspach
Updated over a week ago

Shopify Tags and Metafields can be an incredibly powerful tool for your brand, the agency that you work with, apps that you have added to your tech stack, or analytics tools.

Regardless of which features you find to be most important or useful, we want our survey data to be available to you in those formats. We've built this integration to give you the ability to automatically tag orders and customers or add Metafields with the survey questions and survey responses that your customers have submitted.

Step 1: Activate the Integration

Setup Note: Before you start, you'll need to make sure that you have Shopify store access and the Manage and Install Apps permission because this integration requires store authentication to complete.

In the Kno App, navigate to Settings->Integrations and click Connect next to the Shopify Tagging feature.

You'll see this screen to start the authentication process. Toggle on the 'Automated Shopify Order Tagging' and/or 'Automated Shopify Customer Tagging'. Then click Install.

Next you'll need to Authenticate. You'll see this message.

Scroll down and enter your Shopify subdomain/store URL, then click Connect. Make sure to have Admin store access/permissions to Install Apps before finishing the installation. Otherwise, you'll get an error that says you cannot complete the installation.

Once you connect, you'll go to the Configure screen. Neither Order Tagging or Customer Tagging have any setting to configure. Click Finish to finalize the integration.

You'll get a message saying you have successfully added Shopify! Click Done to finish the process.

Step 2: Choose your Questions & Data

Once you get the integration configured, you'll need to decide which data you want to tag in Shopify. This is done on a question-by-question basis, so you'll need to choose every data point that you want to tag/add in Shopify. Here's how!

Within the Kno app, go to Data->Surveys and open a survey by clicking the three dots and selecting Edit. If you haven't created a survey yet, check out how to create your first survey before continuing!

Once you're inside your survey editor, choose the question you want to push into Shopify and select 'advanced settings' in the bottom right of the question.

Once inside the popup modal, find the section that says Integrations and toggle on the Add Tags to Shopify option.

Then you can select any number of the following options to push into Shopify as tags and/or add as Metafields.

Add Response as Order Tag

This option will push the response that your customer selects into Shopify as an order tag. Best for question types that have short, terse options like Radio and Checkbox. Options with long open text are not the best option here.

Add Question as Order Tag

This option will push the question into Shopify as a tag, but only for questions your customers answer. Skipped questions with no response will NOT be pushed into Shopify.

Add Question & Response as Order Metafield

This option will push the question/response as key/value pairs into Shopify and append them to the customer order as Metafields.

Add Question & Response as Combined Customer Tag

This option will push the question and response combined together as one customer tag in Shopify.

Add Response as Customer Tag

This option will add the response your customer selects into the Shopify Customer record as a customer tag. Customer Tags in Shopify have larger character limits, so most any question type will work here.

Add Question as Customer Tag

This option will add the question into Shopify as a tag, but only for questions your customers answer. Skipped questions with no response will NOT be pushed into Shopify.

Add Question & Response as Customer Metafield

This option will push the question/response as key/value pairs into Shopify and append them to the customer record as Metafields.

Now you can repeat this process for every question that would be helpful to have in Shopify

Step 3: How Does It Look?

Question Tags

Each tag type looks slightly different. Questions will be prepended by Q: in order to differentiate them from the responses.

NOTE: Customer Question Tags have larger character limits (these are set by Shopify), so they have "Kno Q:" prepended to the question.

Response Tags

Here are several key points for responses.

  • Standard response options on radio & checkbox questions, for example, appear exactly as formatted. i.e. Facebook or TikTok

  • Open text questions (like Text or TextArea), as well as open text response options like the 'Other' response, will be the text that was submitted rather than an 'Other' tag. i.e. this is a unique tag

  • Checkbox question types (where the customer can select several answers) will be tagged with all of the answers the customer selects. i.e. I received an email AND I remembered you from the past as separate tags

  • Ranking questions will be prepended with RK1: for the top-ranked option, RK2: for the second-ranked option, for as many options as the customer selects. i.e. RK1: Facebook, RK2: TikTok

  • All other question types will simply tag the non-comma characters within the response up to the corresponding character limits (see limits in next section). At the time of writing for this article, that includes Radio, Text, TextArea, Email, Phone, Dropdown, Slider, NPS, Scale, and Date question types.

All Shopify Tags

Both the question and the response tags, however, have several similarities in how they function in this feature. Here are the most important similarities.

  • Order Tags - Limited to 40 total characters; additional characters will be truncated for questions/responses that exceed the limit

  • Customer Tags - Limited to 255 total characters; additional characters will be truncated for questions/responses that exceed the limit

  • All commas within the tags will be replaced with a '/' character as Shopify does not allow commas within the tags

  • Will NOT tag for unanswered/skipped questions

Combined Customer Tags

Because of Shopify's larger character limit on Customer Tags, we've added the option to combine both question and response into one single tag.

  • Character Limit - still capped at 255 total characters; additional characters will be truncated for questions/responses that exceed the limit

  • The format will be "Kno: Question Text-Response Text" with all commas being replaced

  • Checkbox Responses - all selected answers will be included within the response text, each separated by a '/' -> i.e. Kno: What brought you here today?-I saw an ad/I remembered you from the past/I received an email

  • Ranking Responses - all ranking options will be included within he response text, each separated by a '/' (like the Checkbox type) in the order that they were ranked -> i.e. a ranking that was submitted as Option C first, Option B second, and Option A third will have the following tag: Kno: How would you rank the following options?-Option C/Option B/Option A

Customer & Order Metafields

Metafields have a slightly different format, which can be more helpful for certain use cases where just having specific data within an order would be helpful. Here are the specifics for pushing survey data into question metafields:

  • Questions are snake cased, which means all spaces and punctuation are removed. For our standard question, "Before you go...How did you first hear about us?" the question key will be: before_you_go_how_did_you_first_hear_about_us

  • Question keys are limited to 64 characters

  • Response values do not have a text limit, so this works well for open-ended text responses

  • All single-response questions (like Radio, Text, Text Area) will have the value that was submitted by the customer with no extra formatting

  • All Checkbox responses will have one value with all options included separated by commas with no meaning to the order

  • All Ranking responses will be similar to Checkbox responses except that order is indicative of ranking (top ranking is first)

  • All Date responses will be formatted as a Date response value

  • Note: Once a metafield is defined/created, it will ALWAYS show on every order even if there are no survey responses associated with that order. This is a feature of Shopify's Metafield functionality.

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