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Promo Code Action
Promo Code Action
Updated over 8 months ago

KnoCommerce's Promo Code Action is designed to be a quick and easy solution to incentivize survey responses and completions. The vast majority of brands find that post-purchase survey responses/completions aren't heavily impacted by incentives, but any survey distributed outside of the post-purchase confirmation screen (see our KnoLink survey help doc) benefits from a marketed incentive option.


Promo Code Behavior

When discount codes are created in your Shopify store using this Promo Code Action, the discount codes will have the following behavior/characteristics.

  • Discount Configuration chosen (see below)

  • No Minimum Purchase Reqs

  • No Limitations on Customer Eligibility

  • Maximum of one use per generated promo code

  • Maximum of one use per customer

    • Note: this is tracked by email address, so KnoLinks surveys must have the 'Is this a customer survey only?' setting toggled on to work correctly. See our KnoLinks help doc for more details.

  • Cannot be combined with other discounts

  • Has no defined end date

Some of these options can be edited in Shopify, but doing so outside of the KnoCommerce UI can create conflicts, so be careful if you choose to do this. Edits should be made within the Kno UI to avoid those conflicts and ensure continuity between platforms.

Add the Action to a Survey

Inside the survey builder, click the 'plus' sign to search through the question library.

Then in the question modal, search for Promo and select the Promo Code Redemption option.

Action Settings

Below you'll find a thorough explanation of each of the options within the Promo Code Action in our survey builder.

Fallback Promo Code

The Fallback Promo Code allows you to set a pre-existing discount code that will be given/shown to customers in the event that the normal promo code does not function correctly. The majority of customers do not set this as the normal promo code functionality produces the desired behavior/outcome.

Body Text

Add in any body text that you'd like to have displayed within the Action on the survey flow and align the text to your preference.

Button Text Editor

If no text is entered here, the Action will generate a custom code and display it within the survey question. But entering text here (highly recommended) will create a button on the Action that customers can click to be redirected to your home page.

Feel free to use the button editor as well to change the color settings using RGB, HSL, or Hex Codes to match your site branding.

Note: We recommend using this button as customers who click the button will be directed to the home page of your store. When this redirect happens, we will also apply the discount code automatically to the customer's cart, which will apply to items the customer already has in their cart AND items the customer adds after being directed to the page.

Multi-Use Promo Code

When the 'Use a single pre-created promo code' box is checked, the Action will display the exact discount code that you enter here to the customers taking the survey. In this case, the code will not be a one-time use code. The same code will be used/accessed by all customers and will be susceptible to discovery and use by extensions like Honey and/or multiple redemptions by single customers on multiple orders.

Limited Unique Promo Code

Shopify Stores Only

When the box is unchecked, the system will create a Shopify Discount code where the unique code can only be redeemed one time and where each customer (determined by email address) can only redeem one unique promo code.

Promo Code Prefix

The prefix is required for full functionality. Adding a prefix (something short and quick like 'KNO', for instance) will help group promo code redemptions in Shopify.

Entitled Product IDs

If you want to limit the promo code to apply only to specific products, enter that comma-separated list of Shopify Product IDs (found in the URL of the Products on the back end of your Shopify store) in this field. Shopify limits this field to 100 product IDs maximum in this field.

Note: Discounts will only apply to the Product IDs listed in this field. Other products in the cart will not be discounted. If field is left blank, discount will apply to all products.

Configuring the Discount

Lastly, configure the type of discount (either a percent or a total amount) and set the amount to fully configure your discount.

Extra Advanced Settings

A couple of additional settings might be helpful or relevant for you as you're setting up your Action. At the bottom of the Action, click the 'advanced settings' link to open up the Advanced Settings modal.

Question Title

To remove the question title (the default is 'PromoAction Title Example'), toggle the 'Remove Question Title' setting on!

Show as Confirmation

To show the Promo Code Action as the confirmation screen instead of the default confirmation screen that is configured in the 'Choose your look' section of the survey builder, toggle on all three of the following: Logic, End Survey Here, AND Show as confirmation screen (as shown below). This will have the Action be the last thing that customers will see on your survey.

Promo Code Preview

After saving the survey, you can select 'Preview Survey' to see how the survey and the promo code in particular will look.

Note: This preview will not generate a unique code (only works on the live survey). And clicking the 'Buy Now' button (if you have inserted one into the survey) will not apply the discount code on your website. Full testing must happen live on your site.

Shopify Settings

To view the discount codes created in Shopify, log into your Shopify store Admin and select the Discounts menu option on the left-hand menu. Look for the discount titled 'Kno Insights Promo codes for Test Survey Title Here' to view the details from inside Shopify.

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