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Trend Reports

Discover KNO's trend report feature so you can track survey responses over time!

Updated over 7 months ago

One of the reporting features on Kno's Reports page is our Trend Reports! We built this feature specifically so you could track survey responses for specific questions/responses over time.

Use Cases

There are a host of use cases on how to utilize these trend reports. Here are just a couple of recommendations, but every brand is going to have its own unique trends to discover!

  • 'How did you first hear about us?' - Discover seasonal trend changes and/or trends correlated to changes in discovery marketing strategy

  • 'What brought you to our site today?' - Also helpful for seasonal trend changes but this last-touch attribution question provides key insights for CRO and other conversion topics

  • 'How long did you know about us before making your first purchase?' - Look for trends in fast conversions vs. slower conversions to understand customer waiting-to-purchase behavior vs. a buy-now mindset

  • HDYFHAU Followup Questions - View the timelines for when specific influencers/search terms/Facebook pages et. al. fall out of favor or become popular for your brand

View Trend Report

To view your trend report, go to the main data Reports Page and select the survey options that you'd like to see (Survey, Question, Date Range, Audience). Open the question settings toggle...

And in the Chart Settings modal, turn on the Trend Reports toggle to view the trend report.

Trend Report Options

To access the options menu for the trend reports, click the Three Dots to access.

Once in the Options menu, click the 'Selected Responses' dropdown to add or remove Response Options from the trend report graph.

The options that are available for you to select here are the responses that exist in the survey builder for the question AND the top 'Other' responses (if any) that have been written in by customers for the question.

Graph Navigation

Once you're looking at the Trend Report, there are a few different options that you can use as you navigate around.

Series Toggle

After you select your Response Series in the Trend Report Options and the options are visible in the report, you can toggle them off and on by clicking the Series. This helps quickly isolate individual series or view combinations of series rapidly. See the GIF below for behavior.

Data Points

You can see different data points/values at specific points in time by mousing over the graph. This will show you the percentages for each of the Series that are visible on the trend report at present. See the GIF below for behavior.

Trend Report Download

Download info about your trend report by clicking the Menu option and selecting SVG, PNG, or CSV. The latter will give you the data that was used to create the graph, while the two former will give you the graphic of the trend report that you're seeing on your screen.

As always, we're happy to help! If you have questions, please let us know in the chat bubble or email us at Happy surveying!

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