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Pie Chart Report

View your data on the reports page through the lens of a pie chart!

Emmett Naughton avatar
Written by Emmett Naughton
Updated over a week ago

One of the reporting features on Kno's Reports page is our Pie Charts!

View Pie Chart Report

To view your pie chart, go to the main data Reports Page and select the survey options that you'd like to see (Survey, Question, Date Range, Audience). Then select the settings toggle on a question to open up the Chart Settings modal.

Once you've done that, toggle on the 'Show Pie Chart Reports' toggle to view your question data.

The full chart report looks like the following below:

Responses - The total % of responses for each option submitted by customers for this particular question.

Attribution - The total % of order value associated with each response option submitted by customers for this particular question.

As always, let us know if you have any questions by contacting the support chat or emailing support at

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