Our Audiences help doc lays out all the basics for creating audiences within KnoCommerce, and the Targeting Audiences & Filtering Audiences help docs showcase the main two use cases within the Kno platform.
One way to maximize both of those features is by layering a Filtering Audience over top of data received using a specific Targeting Audience. By utilizing this method, you can combine two audiences so that you can analyze the data for the combined segments.
Here are several examples of various combinations to start the creative juices flowing:
New Customer Targeting Audience on a New Customer survey
Discovery = TikTok Filtering Audience
Discovery = Instagram Filtering Audience
Discovery = Facebook Filtering Audience
Other Filtering Audiences for your brand
Helps to identify patterns by looking at all the survey questions on the survey through the lens of New Customers discovering on a particular marketing channel
Product ID Targeting Audience on a survey only displaying to specific product purchasers
New Customer Filtering Audience
Returning Customer Filtering Audience
High-Volume Purchaser Filtering Audience
Helps you to identify patterns for specific products across different levels of customers
This is just a starting point. There are lots of options whenever you are intentional about the Targeting Audiences you use on surveys and combining them with all kinds of Filtering Audiences. Make sure you use your Audience superpowers for good! π
If you have questions about what is possible or how to best achieve a particular level of research, please reach out to hello@knocommerce.com and we'll give you some recommendations!