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Filtering Audiences

Use these audiences to filter/segment data that you have already collected on the Reports page

Updated over 10 months ago

Make sure to familiarize yourself with the Audiences help doc as the foundation for this help doc. And also check out the Targeting Audiences help doc to see a slightly different function of this feature.

Collecting Data

The first step here is to start collecting data by publishing a survey. Go to the Surveys page (Surveys -> Surveys) and check that there is a green light on at least one post-purchase survey. If not, click the gray button to publish a survey to Shopify (or your Custom confirmation page if you're on a non-Shopify platform).

Observe Reports

Head over to the main survey response Reports page (Surveys -> Reports) to utilize the Filtering Audiences to analyze the data that you have collected!

Filtering audiences will work correctly regardless of what chart type you use to view your data (default bar graph, Attribution Report, Pie Chart, or Trend Report), so feel free to click the Chart Settings cog wheel and view your favorite chart.

Single Question -> Multiple Audiences

Use Filtering Audiences that use the same Audience Type to compare different segments on one question across the full dataset.

For instance, the following chart is for the 'How did you first hear about us?' question for a particular brand with no Audience filter applied. It shows the highest percentages of customers discovering the brand from Word of Mouth (19%), TikTok (19%), and Instagram (17%).

However, when you apply the 18-24 Age Range Audience (determined by another question on the same survey) to the same question, the proportion of customers discovering the brand on Instagram skyrockets to 30%, almost double the proportion for the full dataset.

Use the other audiences built by the Age Question (i.e. 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+) to compare and contrast the different demographics' tendencies for discovery channel.

Single Audience -> Multiple Questions

Another way to utilize Filtering Audiences is to do a deep dive on a particular segment of your customer population within a single survey.

For instance, to analyze the segment of customers who discovered your brand on TikTok, set the Audience to TikTok Discovery (audience built by a TikTok answer to the HDYHAU question) and analyze each of the questions on your survey, filtering through the questions and toggling back and forth between Discovery = TikTok and No Audience.

If you have any questions about Filtering Audiences or Audiences in general, please contact, and we'll be happy to answer whatever you need.

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