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Reports Survey Stats

How to read and understand the survey stats summary for each survey in your reports screen

Updated over a year ago

At the bottom of the main Reports page is a section called Survey Stats. It is meant as a summary of your particular survey over the time frame selected (at the top of the Reports page). Here are a few quick points about how to interpret that data.


Our amazing marketing team has produced a helpful visual here. Same info, different format. Check that out here!


KnoCommerce counts survey views by recording how many unique customers load the script on the Confirmation page (or click the link and load the embedded survey for a KnoLinks survey).

If you set your survey live and see zero views or even many views but no responses, check out our help doc to resolve No Survey Views.


KnoCommerce will record any response that is submitted to a question. On radio button-style questions, this happens automatically when the customer selects one answer. On most other question types, it happens when the customer selects the 'Next' button to progress forward in the survey. The total Responses number is the number of customers/surveys where at least one question response has been submitted.


A submission occurs whenever the customer completes the entire survey. Typically, this will mean the customer has answered all (or almost all) of the survey questions. On occasion, a customer will not answer anything but will simply advance to the end of the survey. This still counts as a submission, though it is very rare.

Response Rate

KnoCommerce defines the response rate as the total number of Responses (see above) divided by the total number of Views (also see above). We see these rates vary SIGNIFICANTLY across brands and are dependent on a number of factors. If you're unhappy with your response rate, take a look at our Low Response Rate help doc for some best-practice suggestions. If you're still looking for some additional suggestions please reach out via the help chat and we'll give you some personalized feedback.

Completion Rate

The completion rate is the total number of Submissions (see above) divided by the total number of Responses (also see above). This rate stabilizes between 85% and 95%. If you're seeing a completion rate significantly below that, it may be useful to take a look at your survey and either redesign the survey flow or re-prioritize question order for more important data.

Additional Metrics

If there are other metrics that you believe would be helpful to you and your brand to see within the KnoCommerce dashboard, please reach out to us at or through the chat bubble to let us know! We're always looking for suggestions and improvements, and who knows, maybe your metric will be the next one that shows up in-app!

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